从事安全工程、岩土工程、应急技术与管理等相关学科的研究工作,近年来聚焦于岩石力学相关的数值仿真研究;主持四川省自然科学基金、国家工程研究中心开放课题、企业委托项目等7项,参与“973”、国家自然科学基金等3项,在国内外知名期刊发表论文20余篇,担任《Energy Exploration & Exploitation》、《Journal of Porous Media》、《Scientific Reports》等多个SCI期刊审稿人;四川省应急管理专家库专家。 |
2021.1至今,西华大学应急管理学院;2022.10-2023.04,四川省应急管理厅,借调人员。 |
2009.9-2013.7,郑州大学,安全工程;2013.9-2016.7,重庆大学,安全工程;2016.9-2020.12,重庆大学,安全科学与工程;2018.2-2019.6,尼斯大学(法国),地质工程。 |
非常规油气开发、矿山动力灾害、应急技术与管理 |
1.科研项目: [1] 四川省自然科学基金青年项目,采动应力扰动下坚硬顶板压裂裂缝扩展规律研究,2022.01-2023.12,主持 [2] 国家工程研究中心开放课题,单洞四车道公路隧道机械化施工围岩三维稳定性研究,2023.10-2024.06,主持 [3] 企业委托项目,九龙县打枪沟矿区锂铍矿应急预案编制及安全评价方法研究,2023.04-2025.12,主持 [4] 企业委托项目,桃子坪隧道岩爆预测数值模拟研究,2023.10-2024.12,主持 [5] 企业委托项目,LRC储气库地下洞室施工期围岩稳定性研究,2021.03-2021.09,主持 [6] 企业委托项目,LRC储气库地下洞室运营期围岩稳定性研究,2021.06-2021.12,主持 [7] 西华大学人才引进项目,采动影响下压裂裂缝形貌特征研究,2021.01-2023.12,主持 [8] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,干热岩超临界CO2压裂的缝网扩展机理和多场耦合数值模型研究,参与 [9] 重庆市基础科学与前沿技术研究专项项目,基于多场耦合理论的页岩气水力压裂数值模型和模拟研究,参与 2.发表论文: [23] Junchao CHEN, Zhenglu CHE, Qilong SONG, Wenyuan SONG, Xinghong JIANG, Kai XU. Comparative analysis and application of a new stability model for the tunnel face with Mogi-coulomb criterion. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-energy and Geo-resources. 2024, 10: 193. (SCI). [22] Junchao CHEN, Zhenglu CHE, Meiben GAO, Liang ZHANG, Zhonghui SHEN. Experimental study of the end effect on the mechanical behaviors of rocks under true 3D compressions. Energy Science & Engineering. 2024, 12(9): 3907-3920. (SCI) [21] Xiaopeng SU, Tong ZHANG, Lei ZHOU, Junchao CHEN, Xu WEI, Wentao YANG. Experimental study on nonlinear flow behavior in smooth and rough sandstone fractures subjected to various injection pressure and normal compressive stress. Environmental earth science. 2024, 83(6): 171. (SCI) [20] Junchao CHEN, Yuke LONG, Yulin CHEN, Xiaofei LIU. Numerical analysis of the shape effect on the mechanical behaviors of rocks in true 3D compression test. Symmetry. 2024; 16(1), 40. (SCI) [19] Junchao CHEN, Zhenglu CHE, Xiaopeng SU, Lei ZHOU, Xiaofei LIU, Liang ZHANG. Nonlinear flow and permeability anisotropy characteristicsin hydraulic fracturing‑induced rock fractures subjectedto various normal compressive stresses. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-energy and Geo-resources. 2023, 9: 49. (SCI) [18] Xiaopeng SU, Xiangyan REN, Lei ZHOU, Junchao CHEN*, Xu WEI. Experimental and model study on the time-dependent permeability of rock fractures induced by mechanical creep. International Journal of Geomechanics. 2023, 23(11): 04023208. (SCI) [17] Junchao CHEN, Zhengzhen QU, Lei ZHOU, Xiaopeng SU. Numerical Study on the Hydraulic Fracturing Pattern in the Hard Roof in Response to Mining-Induced Stress. Minerals. 2023, 13(3), 308. (SCI) [16] Junchao CHEN, Lei ZHOU, Binwei XIA, Xiaopeng SU, Zhonghui SHEN. Numerical investigation of the 3D distribution of the mining-induced fractures in response to long-wall mining. Natural Resources Research. 2021; 31(1): 889-916. (SCI) [15] Junchao CHEN, Lin LI, Deyi JIANG, Lei ZHOU, Liang WANG. Experimental study on the spatial and temporal variations of temperature and indicator gases during coal spontaneous combustion. Energy Exploration & Exploitation. 2021; 39(1): 354-366. (SCI) [14] Junchao CHEN, Alexandre CHEMENDA. Numerical simulation of true 3D rock tests with classical and new three-invariant constitutive models focusing on the end effects. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. 2020; 45(11): 9367-9378. (SCI) [13] Junchao CHEN, Lei ZHOU, Honglian LI, Zhonghui SHEN, Binwei XIA. Comparison on hydraulic and mechanical responses to the growing loading between both fractures induced by hydraulic fracturing and Brazilian splitting. Energy & Fuels. 2020; 34(9): 10933-10946. (SCI) [12] Junchao CHEN, Lei ZHOU, Alexandre CHEMENDA, Binwei XIA, Xiaopeng SU, Zhonghui SHEN. Numerical simulation of fracture process using a new fracture constitutive model with applications to 2D and 3D engineering cases. Energy Science & Engineering. 2020; 8: 2628-2647. (SCI) [11] Lei ZHOU, Junchao CHEN, Yang GOU, Wengtao FENG. Numerical investigation of the time-dependent and the proppant dominated stress shadow effects in a transverse multiple fracture system and optimization. Energies. 2017; 10(1): 83. (SCI) [10] 李林,陈军朝,姜德义,范金洋,,高玉龙. 煤自燃全过程高温区域及指标气体时空变化规律 [J]. 煤炭学报,2016,41(2):444-450. (EI) [9] 李林,陈军朝,吴教锟,陈结,范金洋. 循环围压下的盐岩扩容特征研究 [J]. 东北大学学报(自然科学版),2016,37(10):1485-1490. (EI) [8] 李林,陈军朝,姜德义,陈结,范金洋,褚廷湘. 灰分对煤自燃特性的影响实验研究 [J]. 重庆大学学报,2017,4(40):89-95. (CSCD) [7] Mingjie Feng, Honglian Li, Hejuan Liu, Lei Zhou, Junchao CHEN, Xiangyan Ren. 3D numerical investigation of hydraulic fracture network propagation in a shale gas reservoir with natural and layered discontinuities under fully hydromechanical coupling[J]. Journal of Porous Media, 2021, 24(12):51-75. (SCI) [6] Xiaopeng Su, Jialiang Liu, Hejuan Liu, Lei Zhou, Honglian Li, Junchao CHEN. Comparison of shear and tensile fracture permeability in granite under loading-unloading stress conditions. Journal of porous media, 2021, 24(12): 93-114.(SCI) [5] Alexandre CHEMENDA, Julien AMBRE, Junchao CHEN, Jinyang FAN, Jean-Pierre PETIT, Deyi JIANG. Role of heterogeneities in joining (fracturing) of geological media: numerical analysis of fracture mechanisms. Comptes Rendus Geoscience. 2018, 350: 452-463. (SCI) [4] Jinyan FAN, Wei LIU, Deyi JIANG, Junchao CHEN, William Ngaha Tiedeu, Jie CHEN, Deaman JJK. Thermodynamic and applicability analysis of a hybrid CAES systemusing abandoned coal mine in China. Energy. 2018, 157: 31-44. (SCI) [3] Jinyan FAN, Deyi JIANG, Jie CHEN, Wei LIU, William Ngaha Tiedeu, Junchao CHEN. Fatigue performance of ordinary concrete under discontinuous cyclic loading. Construction and Building Materials. 2018, 166: 974-981. (SCI) [2] Jinyang FAN, Jie CHEN, Deyi JIANG, Alexandre CHEMENDA, Junchao CHEN, Julien AMBRE. Discontinuous cyclic loading tests of salt with acoustic emission monitoring. International Journal of Fatigue. 2017, 94: 140-144. (SCI,) [1] 高玉龙,李林,陈军朝,姜德义,陈结,张立. 基于活化能计算的煤低温氧化特征与临界点预测[J]. 重庆大学学报,2017,40(11): 20-27. (CSCD) 3.专著: Lei Zhou, Honglian Li, Xiangyan Ren, Junchao Chen, Jiancao Cai. Hydraulic fracturing of unconventional reservoirs aided by simulation technologies (Chapter Five), Sustainable Natural Gas Reservoir and Production Engineering [M]. Elsevier Inc., 2022: 107-141. 4.授权专利: [1] 王亮;李林;陈军朝;高玉龙;郑凯;景建峰;陈结. 空间及多组分气体对煤自燃倾向性影响的试验装置CN201610270006.X/CN105973935A [2] 陈结;李林;姜德义;刘伟莎;任松;殷黎明;王雷;陈军朝. 模拟盐穴储库地质环境的损伤岩盐自愈合试验装置CN201310691968.9/CN103645299A |
目前承担安全系统工程、流体力学、安全评价技术等相关课程 |
四川省应急管理专家 |