

何智浩,工学博士,硕士导师,电子科技大学博士后,四川省应急管理专家。主要从事岩土体注浆加固材料的研发与应用,着重解决隧道建设过程的高压涌水和围岩稳定性问题、水利水电工程防渗和边坡加固工程,主攻岩土体加固材料和工艺研究,生态环境修复,矿山修复方向、应急技术与消防工程等方面的教学与科研工作。四川省风险科学与应急管理研究会副秘书长和四川省风险科学与应急管理研究会青年专委会秘书长,国际IEEE会员,西藏水电环保专委会会员。以第一作者或通讯作者发表相关论文20余篇,其中SCI 10篇。参与国家自然科学基金等纵横向课题10余项,授权发明专利4项,和实用新型专利3项。2019年10月,获第五届“互联网+”全国大学生创新创业大赛国家级铜奖;2020年11月,获第六届“互联网+”全国大学生创新创业大赛国家级银奖;2021年,获全国高校教师教学创新大赛——第六届全国高等学校教师自制实验教学仪器设备创新大赛——注浆扩散测试装置,三等奖。


2022.05-至今,在西华大学应急管理学院从事教学与科研等工作; 2022.10-至今,在四川省应急管理厅教育训练处借调。


2007.9-2012.6 长春工程学院 工学学士; 2012.9-2015.6 山东科技大学 理学硕士; 2015.9-2021.12 成都理工大学 工学博士;






[1]Zhihao He, Xiangjun Pei *,Jiaxing Zhang, Runqiu Huang, Miao Deng, Yang Gao,Meiben Gao

,Lin Xie ,Molecular simulation for the relationship between the functional groups of chemical admixtures and cement hydration product Ca(OH)2 in the grouting process[J].Ecological Indicators,153(2023) 110404.

[2]Yunhui Zhang,Zhihao He*,Haohao Tian,Xun Huang, Zhixiong Zhang, Yang Liu, Yong Xiao, Rui Li. Hydrochemistry appraisal, quality assessment and health risk evaluation of shallow groundwater in the Mianyang area of Sichuan Basin, southwestern China[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2021, 80(17): 576.(入选ESI高被引论文)

[3Zhihao He, Xiangjun Pei, Shenghua Cui, Wentai Sun, Luguang Luo and Chengruiwei He. Investigation on Physicomechanical Properties and Constitutive Model of Tuff in Mila Mountain Tunnel under Dry and Saturated Conditions[J]. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2021, 2021: 1-12.

[4] Huang Teng, Zhihao He*, Gao Meiben and Jiaxing Zhang. DFT Study on the compatibility between the bentonite clay mineral and hydration products with the polycarboxylate water-reducer in cement hydration process[J]. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2022: 845.

[5] Chao Wen, Wei Liu*, Zhihao He* and Chunyan Liu. Research on emergency management of global public health emergencies driven by digital technology: A bibliometric analysis[J]. Frontiers in Public Health, 2022, 10.

[6] Jiaxing Zhang, Xiangjun Pei*, Zhihao He, Zuan Pei and Guoxun Zheng. Comparison of time-dependent viscosity slurry and cement-clay slurry for anti-seepage grouting on faults[J]. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2023, 10: 1037791.

[7Feng Zeng*, Yang Gao, Fujiang Chen, Qingqing He and Zhihao He*. Calculation of surface settlement and pile foundation deformation caused by shield machine tunnelling along curve section[J]. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2022: 1057.

[8Hailong Yang, Zuan Pei *, Zhihao He, Jin Lei and Xiaotian Xia. An empirical model for the travel distance prediction of deflection-type rock avalanches in the wenchuan earthquake area[J]. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2022, 10: 944549.

[9Peng Zheng, Hongji Wang*, Dongming Wei, Chengyi Pu, Zhihao He. Environmental governance capability and water quality: A quasi-natural experiment based on the Ten-point Water Plan[J]. Urban Climate, 2022, 41: 101050.

[10] Wei Chen, Zhihao He*, Hao Zhang, Teng Huang and Wenbo Peng. Characteristics of Tunnel Water Inrush and Progress in Grouting Materials in Mira Mountain Tunnel[C]//IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. IOP Publishing, 2020, 782(4): 042044.

[11] Jiaxing Zhang, Xiangjun Pei, Wenchen Wang, Zhihao He. Hydration process and rheological properties of cementitious grouting material[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 139: 221-231.









