工学博士,主要从事重金属环境灾害及其风险控制、危险物质泄漏污染应急处置、应急预案编制等方面的教学科研工作。已公开发表SCI学术论文十余篇。 |
2023.07~至今 西华大学应急管理学院 2024.04~2024.10 四川省应急管理厅救援协调与预案管理处 |
2013.09~2017.06 江苏海洋大学安全工程 本科;2017.09~2023.06 重庆大学安全科学与工程专业 博士 |
3.危险物质泄漏场地污染应急处置/修复 |
[1] Yi Zheng, Qiu Yu, Lin Yu, Pengpeng Zhang, Linghao Zeng, Xiaosha Lin, Renhui Han, Dongwei Li, Enhanced remediation of surface-bound hexavalent chromium in soils using the acidic and alkaline fronts of electrokinetic technology, Chemosphere, Volume 307, Part 2,2022,135905, (中科院二区TOP, IF:8.8); [2] Yi Zheng, Lin Yu, Yujie Yan, Huilin Li, Qiu Yu, Binquan Jiao, Dongwei Li. Rapid Cr(VI) reduction structure in chromium contaminated soil: The UV-assisted electrokinetic circulation of background iron, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 822, 2022, 153508. (中科院一区TOP, IF:9.8); [3] Yi Zheng, Huilin Li, Qiu Yu, Lin Yu, Binquan Jiao, Dongwei Li. Application of UV radiation for in-situ Cr(VI) reduction from contaminated soil with electrokinetic remediation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021; 416: 125806. (中科院一区TOP, IF: 13.6); [4] Yi Zheng, Yujie Yan, Lin Yu, Huilin Li, Binquan Jiao, Dongwei Li. Synergism of citric acid and zero-valent iron on Cr(VI) removal from real contaminated soil by electrokinetic remediation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2020; 27: 5572-5583. (中科院三区IF:5.8); [5] Qiu Yu, Yi Zheng, Pengpeng Zhang, Linghao Zeng, Renhui Han,Yaoming Shi, , Dongwei Li. Genetic Programming-based Predictive Model for the Cr Removal Effect of in-situ Electrokinetic Remediation in Contaminated Soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2023, 460(03):132430. (中科院一区TOP, IF: 13.6); [6] Renhui Han, Qiu Yu, Yi Zheng, Huilin Li, Yaoming Shi, Xiaosha Lin, Dongwei Li. Enhanced reduction of Cr(VI) in UV/EKR system by organic acids: Focus on Cr(VI) desorption and Fe(III) catalysis. Separation and Purification Technology, 2024:334. (中科院一区TOP, IF:8.1) [7] Huilin Li, Yi Zheng, Lin Yu, Huirong Lin, Binquan Jiao, Dongwei Li, Efficient electrokinetic remediation of heavy metals from MSWI fly ash using approaching anode integrated with permeable reactive barrier , Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021. (中科院三区IF:5.8); [8] Huilin Li, Yi Zheng, Qiu Yu, Binquan Jiao, Dongwei Li, Optimization for enhanced electrokinetic treatment of air pollution control residues using response surface methodology focusing on heavy metals leaching risk and extractability, Process Safety and Environmental Protection,2022. (中科院二区, IF:7.8); [9] Qiu Yu, Yi Zheng, Dongwei Li. Permeable reactive composite approaching cathode enhanced Cr removal in soil using the byproduct of electrokinetic technology: emphasized energy utilization efficiency, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023. (中科院三区IF:5.8); [10] Qiu Yu, Huilin Li, Yi Zheng, Binquan Jiao, Dongwei Li, Promoted electrokinetic treatment of Cr from chromite ore processing residue with rhamnolipid: Focusing on the reactions on electrolyte-residue interfaces, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022 .(中科院二区, 影响因子7.7); [11] Jiangyuan Wang,Qiu Yu, Yi Zheng, Jing Li,Binquan Jiao, Dongwei Li, Adsorption and reduction from modified polypyrrole enhance electrokinetic remediation of hexavalent chromium-contaminated soil, 2022 (中科院三区IF:5.8); [12] Qiu Yu, Yujie Yan, Huirong Lin, Huilin Li, Yi Zheng, Binquan Jiao, Lin Yu, Dongwei Li, Biosurfactants enhanced electrokinetic treatment of Cr from chromite ore processing residue based on chemical fractions, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2020.(中科院二区, 影响因子7.0); [13] Linghao Zeng , Pengpeng Zhang , Jing Li , Qiu Yu , Yi Zheng , Dongwei Li, Study on combined technology of glutathione reduction and alkali solidification of chromium-containing sludge,Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,2022(中科院二区TOP, 影响因子6.8). |
任课《特种设备安全》、《应急预案编制与演练》、《危险识别与评价》 |