

古震琦,博士毕业于中国科学技术大学材料科学与工程学院。主要研究方向为固态电解质的开发、固态电解质-电极界面的研究与优化等。发表 SCI 研究论文 9 篇,其中第一/共同第一作者 5 篇,包括Nature Communications、Nano Letters、Applied Physics Letters和Advanced Science等国际知名期刊。


2024.01—至今 西华大学材料科学与工程学院


2014.08—2018.06 东南大学 本科 2018.09—2023.11 中国科学技术大学 博士


本人近年来在固态电解质、固态电解质-电极界面的研究与优化方面具有丰富的研究经验,包括解析固态电解质材料中二维缺陷的原子构型、实现固态电解质和电极颗粒之间的原子级紧密接触以及开发氯化物固态电解质;近五年发表 SCI 研究论文 9 篇,其中第一/共同第一作者 5 篇,包括Nature CommunicationsNano LettersApplied Physics LettersAdvanced Science等国际知名期刊。


 1. Zhenqi Gu, Kai Wang, Yifei Rao, Pengfei Nan, Lixun   Cheng, Binghui Ge, Wenhua Zhang, and Cheng Ma. Atomic-resolution electron microscopy unravelling the role of unusual asymmetric twin boundaries in the electron-beam-sensitive NASICON-type solid electrolyte. Nano Letters, 23, (2023), 11818–11826. 

2.  Zhenqi Gu, Jiale Ma, Feng Zhu,   Ting Liu, Kai Wang, Ce-Wen Nan, Zhenyu Li, and Cheng Ma. Atomic-scale study clarifying the role of space-charge layers in a Li-ion-conducting solid electrolyte. Nature Communications,14, (2023), 1632. 

3.  Zhenqi Gu,Kai Wang, Feng Zhu, and Cheng Ma. All-solid-state Li battery with atomically intimate electrode-electrolyte contact. Applied Physics Letters, 121, (2022), 143904. 

4. Kai WangZhenqi Gu, Haoxuan Liu, Lv Hu, Ying Wu, Jie Xu and Cheng Ma, High‐humidity‐tolerant chloride solid‐state electrolyte for all‐solid‐state lithium batteries, Advanced Science, 11, (2024), 2305394.

5. Feng Zhu, Zhenqi Gu, Fuzhen Li, Kai   Wang, Jun Luo, Si Gao, Yuzhang Feng, Chunchen Zhang, Peng Wang, Yunzhe Zheng, Wangqiong Xu, Rong Huang, Yingying Lu, and Cheng Ma. Atomically intimate solid electrolyte/electrode contact capable of surviving long-term cycling with repeated phase transitions. Nano Letters, 22, (2022), 3457–3464. 

6. Kai Wang, Zhenqi Gu, Zhiwei Xi, Lv Hu, and Cheng Ma. Li3TiCl6 as ionic conductive and compressible positive electrode active material for all-solid-state lithium-based batteries. Nature Communications, 14, (2023), 1396. 

7. Kai Wang, Qingyong Ren, Zhenqi Gu, Chaomin Duan, Jinzhu Wang, Feng Zhu, Yuanyuan Fu, Jipeng Hao, Jinfeng Zhu,   Lunhua He, Chin-Wei Wang, Yingying Lu, Jie Ma, and Cheng Ma. A cost-effective   and humidity-tolerant chloride solid electrolyte for lithium batteries. Nature Communications, 12, (2021), 4410. 

8. Feng Zhu, Md Shafiqul Islam, Lin Zhou, Zhenqi Gu, Ting Liu, Xinchao Wang, Jun Luo, Ce-Wen Nan, Yifei Mo, and Cheng Ma. Single-atom-layer traps in a solid electrolyte for lithium batteries. Nature Communications, 11, (2020), 1828


