

张帅,四川大学材料学博士,师从国家级教学名师顾宜教授和长江学者傅强教授,2020年进入电子科技大学材料与能源学院从事博士后研究工作,合作导师为俄罗斯科学院外籍院士刘孝波教授。发表SCI论文50余篇,其中以第一作者和通讯作者身份发表SCI论文30余篇,他引次数超800次,H指数为18。担任Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Langmuir,Composites Communications,Materials Chemistry and Physics,Journal of Materials Science,Journal of Applied Polymer Science等期刊通讯审稿人;以第一发明人身份授权发明专利5项,作学术会议口头报告5次,主研包括国家自然科学基金面上项目在内的5项课题项目,主研经费超1300万元。个人ResearchGate 主页:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Shuai-Zhang-153









[1] S. Zhang, H. Sun, T. Lan, Z. Bai, X. Liu, Facile preparation of graphene film and sandwiched flexible poly(arylene ether nitrile)/graphene composite films with high EMI shielding efficiency, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 154 (2022) 106777.WOS:000737063500002

[2] S. Zhang, Q. Ran, Q. Fu, Y. Gu, Preparation of Transparent and Flexible Shape Memory Polybenzoxazine Film through Chemical Structure Manipulation and Hydrogen Bonding Control, Macromolecules 51(17) (2018) 6561-6570.WOS:000444792400003

[3] S. Zhang, P. Yang, Y. Bai, T. Zhou, R. Zhu, Y. Gu, Polybenzoxazines: Thermal Responsiveness of Hydrogen Bonds and Application as Latent Curing Agents for Thermosetting Resins, ACS Omega 2(4) (2017) 1529-1534.WOS:000401698300002

[4] S. Zhang, Y. Yan, X. Li, H. Fan, Q. Ran, Q. Fu, Y. Gu, A novel ultra low-k nanocomposites of benzoxazinyl modified polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane and cyanate ester, European Polymer Journal 103 (2018) 124-132.WOS:000434745200014

[5] S. Zhang, X. Li, H. Fan, Q. Fu, Y. Gu, Epoxy nanocomposites: Improved thermal and dielectric properties by benzoxazinyl modified polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane, Materials Chemistry and Physics 223 (2019) 260-267.WOS:000456902400034

[6] S. Zhang, Q. Ran, Q. Fu, Y. Gu, Thermal responsiveness of hydrogen bonding and dielectric property of polybenzoxazines with different Mannich bridge structures, Polymer 175 (2019) 302-309.WOS:000471252600035

[7] S. Zhang, Q. Ran, Q. Fu, Y. Gu, Carbonized polybenzoxazine for electromagnetic interference shielding, Materials Chemistry and Physics 236 (2019).WOS:000484645900036

[8] S. Zhang, Q. Ran, Q. Fu, Y. Gu, Controlled polymerization of 3,4-dihydro-2H-1,3-benzoxazine and its properties tailored by Lewis acids, Reactive & Functional Polymers 139 (2019) 75-84.WOS:000469905900009

[9] S. Zhang, Y. Wang, Q. Ran, Q. Fu, Y. Gu, Electromagnetic interference shielding property of polybenzoxazine/graphene/nickel composites, Reactive and Functional Polymers (2019).WOS:000489195400027

[10] S. Zhang, S. Yin, Q. Ran, Q. Fu, Y. Gu, Facile preparation of polybenzoxazine/graphene nanocomposites for electromagnetic interference shielding, Polymer 162 (2019) 20-28.WOS:000455026100003

[11] S. Zhang, Q. Ran, X. Zhang, Y. Gu, Effects of the curing atmosphere on the structures and properties of polybenzoxazine films, Journal of Materials Science 56(3) (2020) 2748-2762.WOS:000579716700008

[12] S. Zhang, J. Zong, Q. Ran, Y. Gu, Facile Preparation of Lightweight and Robust Polybenzoxazine Foams, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 59(16) (2020) 7575-7583.WOS:000529151200033

[13] S. Zhang, T. Lan, D. Ren, X. Liu, Q. Ran, Tuning the polymerization sequence of alkynyl-functionalized benzoxazine: application as precursor for efficient magnetic EMI shielding materials, Journal of Materials Science 56(17) (2021) 10691-10705.WOS:000627676200001

[14] S. Zhang, Q. Ran, Y. Gu, Polymerization mechanism of 1,3-benzoxazine catalyzed by PCl5 and rearrangement of chemical structures, European Polymer Journal 142 (2021) 110133.WOS:000603476700020

[15] S. Zhang, H. Sun, T. Lan, X. Liu, Q. Ran, High electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness achieved by multiple internal reflection and absorption in polybenzoxazine/graphene foams, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 138(44) (2021).WOS:000668603700001

[16] S. Zhang, H. Sun, T. Lan, X. Xue, X. Liu, Polybenzoxazine/boron nitride foam: a promising low-k, flame-retardant and robust material, Journal of Materials Science 56(33) (2021) 18749-18761.WOS:000703517700004

[17] F. Duan, C. Liu, X. Liu, L. Wang, S. Zhang, X. Liu, TiO2 immobilized on polyarylene ether nitrile/Fe3+ complex for efficient adsorption and photocatalytic degradation towards methylene blue, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 875 (2021).WOS:000657532200005

[18] S. Zhang, Q. Li, J. Ye, H. Sun, X. Liu, Probing the copolymerization of alkynyl and cyano groups using monocyclic benzoxazine as model compound, Polymer 252 (2022). WOS:000802655600001

[19] X. Tang, G. Lin, C. Liu, T. Cao, Y. Xia, K. Yi, S. Zhang, X. Liu, Lightweight and tough multilayered composite based on poly(aryl ether nitrile)/carbon fiber cloth for electromagnetic interference shielding, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 650 (2022). WOS:000828172300005

[20] J. Ye, Q. Li, S. Zhang, X. Liu, Melamine modified phthalonitrile resins: Synthesis, polymerization and properties, Polymer 256 (2022) 125156. WOS:000855274200004

[21] Q. Li, S. Zhang, J. Ye, X. Liu, Multiple catalytic polymerization of phthalonitrile resin bearing benzoxazine moiety: greatly reduced curing temperature, European Polymer Journal  (2022) 111472. WOS:000867414700004

[22] S. Zhang, J. Ye, X. Liu, Constructing conductive network using 1D and 2D conductive fillers in porous poly(aryl ether nitrile) for EMI shielding, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 656 (2023).WOS:000890445500004

[23] J. Li, S. Zhang, X. Liu, Synthesis of phenolphthalein/bisphenol A-based poly(arylene ether nitrile) copolymers: Preparation and properties of films, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 140(5) (2023) e53407.WOS:000888467300001

[24] J. Ye, Z. Fan, S. Zhang, X. Liu, Improved curing reactivity, thermal resistance and mechanical properties of furylaminebased benzoxazine using melamine as an amine source, Polymers for Advanced Technologies  (2022).

[25] J. Ye, Z. Fan, S. Zhang, X. Liu, Optimizing the dielectric and mechanical properties of melamine based‐benzoxazine resin by copolymerizing with epoxy resin, Journal of Applied Polymer Science  (2023)

[26] J. Ye, S. Zhang, M. Wu, X. Liu, X. Liu, Thermal, mechanical and dielectric property enhancement of benzoxazine-containing phthalonitrile resin: The effect of functional oligomeric polyphenyl ether, Polymer 280 (2023) 126040.

[27] X. Liu, S. Zhang, J. Ye, M. Wu, J. Hou, X. Liu, A highly-crosslinked phthalonitrile modified bismaleimide-triazine resin for PCB substrates: The synergistic effect on curing behavior and properties, European Polymer Journal  (2023) 112243.

[28] J. Li, S. Zhang, L. Wang, X. Liu, In Situ Growth of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles in Poly(arylene ether nitrile)/Graphene/Carbon Nanotube Foams for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding, ACS Applied Nano Materials 6(9) (2023) 7802-7813.

[29] S. Zhang, P. He, S. Jing, G. Chen, G. Li, Z. Wang, R. Han, Y. Li, Surface Roughening of Irradiation-Activated Basalt Fiber through In Situ Growth of SiO2: Effects on Crystallization and Properties of PP Composites, Materials, 2023. 16(16):5657 WOS:001055359700001

[30] S. Zhang, P. He, Y. Liu, G. Chen, R. Han, Polybenzoxazine modified by phenolphthalein‐based poly(arylene ether nitrile): Better thermal, mechanical, and dielectric properties, Journal of Applied Polymer Science  (2023), e54637.WOS:001058458500001

[31] S. Zhang, A. Yang, J. Ren, Y. Liu, R. Han, Mechanically robust hydrogel from thermosetting polybenzoxazine with dual crosslinking network, Polymer 289 (2023). WOS:001118809500001 2023-12-17 

[32] S. Zhang, A. Yang, P. He, Y. Wang, Y. Liu, G. Li, J. Ren, R. Han, How does prepolymerization affect the curing and properties of the thermosetting resins–benzoxazine resin as an example, Progress in Organic Coatings 189 (2024).

[33] G.-Z. Li, S. Zhang, D. Tian, G. Liu, W. Wang, G. Chen, J. Wang, W. Wan, C. Yang, H. Yu, R. Han, Improving the Visible Light Absorption and Photocatalytic Degradation Activity of TiO2 Particles Towards MB by Organic Sensitizer Decoration, Catalysis Letters  (2024).






Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Langmuir,Composites Communications,Materials Chemistry and Physics,Journal of Materials Science,Journal of Applied Polymer Science等期刊通讯审稿人,四川锐美特先进材料科技有限公司股东。