

重庆大学高端装备机械传动全国重点实验室博士,西华大学机械工程学院讲师,特种高性能机电传动系统创新设计理论与方法国防科技创新团队骨干研究成员,研究方向为高性能机电传动与智能装备/精密传动与系统集成/水润滑轴承等。发表SCI/EI论文十余篇,高被引文章1篇。参与了多项国家级及省部级课题,含国防基础科研计划项目(已结题)、十三五海装预研项目(已结题) 、国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金项目、四川省科技厅项目、四川省教育厅项目、企事业单位横向项目等。


11/2023-至今 西华大学机械工程学院 讲师 01/2023-08/2023 中国核动力研究设计院 流体数值分析岗


09/2017-12/2022 重庆大学 工学博士(硕博连读) 机械工程(硕博连读) 09/2013-06/2017 重庆大学 工学学士 机械设计制造及其自动化






[1]西华大学人才引进项目:水润滑摩擦诱导振动机理及抑制方法研究 20 2024.04-至今  项目负责人

[2]四川省科技厅面上基金项目:高性能精密行星柔性滤波传动机理与动态特性研究   20  2024.01-至今主研  在研

[3]四川航天计量测试研究所项目:台架升降立柱研制 120 2024.01-至今  主研  在研

[4]企业委托军工项目:SGC098型举升电动缸设计 30 2024.04-至今主研在研

[5]国家重点研发计划:深远海船舶 6000KW 及以上全回转推进器整机研制” 4741   2022.12-2025.11主研  在研

[6]国家重点研发计划智能机器人重点专项-机器人核心零部件性能提升与应用 1512.5   2022.11-2025.10主研  在研

[7]国家重点研发计划智能机器人重点专项-机器人用新型高可靠精密减速器  880   2019.04-2022.03 主研   已结题

[8]广东省重点领域研发计划项目-机器人高可靠精密摆线行星减速器系列产品研发与产业化   1200   2020.01-2022.12 主研   已结题


1.       Jianlin Cai, Guo Xiang*, Sheng Li, Juan Guo, Jiaxu Wang, Shouan Chen, Tianyou Yang. Mathematical modeling for nonlinear dynamic mixed friction behaviors of novel coupled bearing lubricated with low-viscosity fluid. Physics of fluids 2022, 34: 093612. (高被引文章)

2.       Jianlin Cai, Yanfeng Han*, Guo Xiang, Jiaxu Wang, Liwu Wang, Effects of Wear and Shaft Shape Errors Defects on the Tribo-dynamic Responses of the Water-lubricated Bearing Under Propeller Disturbance. Physics of fluids 2022, 34:077118.

3.   Shouan Chen, Jianlin Cai*, Guo Xiang, Junfu Zhang, Zaixin Liu, Michel Fillon. Tribo-Dynamic-Wear coupling analysis for Water-lubricated Bearings with  journal surface imperfection under repeated start-stop cycles. Tribology International, 2024, 200:110093.

4.       Jianlin Cai, Yanfeng Han*, Guo Xaing, Cheng Wang, Liwu Wang, Shouan, Chen. Influence of the mass conservation cavitation boundary on the tribo-dynamic responses of the micro-groove water-lubricated bearing. Surface Topography-Metrology and Properties, 2022, 10:045011.

5.       Lei Cao, Jianlin Cai*, Cheng Wang. Numerical analysis of elastohydrodynamic lubrication in elliptical contacts with boundary slip. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2023, 75(3):pp.273-281.

6.       Tianyou Yang, Jianlin Cai*, Liwu Wang, Dongxing Tang, Shouan Chen and Jiaxu Wang. Numerical analysis of turbulence effect for high speed coupled journal-thrust water-lubricated bearing with micro grooves. Journal of Tribology, 2023, 145:084101.

7.       Hengguan Zhang, Jianlin Cai*, Tianyou Yang, Shouan Chen, Dongxing Tang and Jiaxu Wang. Influence of bearing waviness on the lubrication performances of coupled journal-thrust water-lubricated bearings. Surface Topography-Metrology and Properties, 2023, 11:025025.

8.       Cheng Wang, Jianlin Cai*, Gong Cheng, Jiaxu Wang and Dongxing Tang. Numerical Investigations of Tribological Characteristics of Biomimetic-Textured Surfaces. Sustainability, 2023, 15:13054.

9.       Shouan Chen, Jianlin Cai*, Junfu Zhang and Zaixin Liu. Thermal Tribo-Dynamic Behaviors of Water-Lubricated Bearings during Start-Up with Journal Shape Error. Lubricants, 2024, 12:106.

10.   Guo Xiang*, Jiaxu Wang, Chuande Zhou, Ying Shi, Yijia Wang, Jianlin Cai. A tribo-dynamic model of coupled journal-thrust water-lubricated bearings under propeller disturbance. Tribology International 2021, 160:107008.

11.    Shouan Chen, Guo Xiang*, Michel Fillon, Juan Guo, Jiawu Wang, Jianlin Cai. On the tribo-dynamic behaviors during start-up of water lubricated bearing considering imperfect journal. Tribology International, 2022, 174:107685.

12.   Juan Guo, Guo Xiang*, Jiaxu Wang, Yankui Song, Jianlin Cai, Haiming Dai. On the dynamic wear behavior of misaligned journal bearing with profile modification under mixed lubrication Surface Topography-Metrology and Properties, 2022, 10(2):025026.

13.   Liwu Wang, Yanfeng Han*, Dongxing Tang, Jianlin Cai, Numerical and experimental investigations on the wear behavior of water-lubricated bearings with different materials. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2022. 74(1)134-143 (IF=1.442)

14.   Juan Guo, Yanfeng Han*, Shouan Chen, Jianlin Cai, Haiming Dai. Effects of wall slip on the dynamic characteristics of water-lubricated bearing considering rough contact. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2022, 74(9):pp.1040-1048.

15.   Tangyou Yang, Guo Xiang*, Jianlin Cai, Liwu Wang, Xiao Lin, Jiaxu Wang and Guangwu Zhou. Five-DOF nonlinear tribo-dynamic analysis for coupled bearings during start-up. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2024, 269:109068.

16.   Dongxing Tang, Guo Xiang*, Juan Guo, Jianlin Cai, Tianyou Yang, Jiaxu Wang and Yanfeng Han. On the optimal design of staved water-lubricated bearings driven by tribo-dynamic mechanism. Physics of fluids, 2023, 35:093611.

17.   Dongxing Tang, Ke Xiao, Guo Xiang, Jianlin Cai, Michel Fillon, Dongfeng Wang and Zhaoli Su. On the nonlinear time-varying mixed lubrication for coupled spiral microgroove water-lubricated bearings with mass conservation cavitation. Tribology International, 2024, 193:109381.


