



2021.12-至今 西华大学 讲师


2010.09-2014.07 西南石油大学 机械工程及其自动化 本科2014.09-2017.07 西南石油大学 力学 硕士2017.09-2021.12 西南石油大学 机械工程 博士





[1]赵广慧*唐松,梁政,李举. 波动钻压下阶梯钻柱系统稳定性研究[J]. 固体力学学报,2017, 38 (3): 253-262. (CSCD核心)

[2]G H Zhao*, S Tang, Z Liang, J Li. Dynamic stability of a stepped drillstring conveying Drilling fluid[J]. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2017, 55(4): 1409-1422. (SCI)

[3]S Tang, Z Liang, G H Zhao*. Dynamic stability of lateral vibration of a tubing string in flowing production[J]. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2018, 20(7): 2942. (EI)

[4]S Tang*, Z Liang, G H Zhao. Stability of transverse vibration of drillstring conveying drilling fluid [J]. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2020, 58(4): 1061-1074. (SCI)

[5]S Tang*, Z Liang, Y L Zhu. Numerical Investigation on Heat Transfer Characteristics in Electronic Cavity of Downhole Measurement-While-Drilling System [J]. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 2021, 13(1): 011022. (SCI)

[6]W K Gao, K Liu, X R Dou, S Tang*, L Zhang. Numerical investigation on cooling effect in the circuit cabin of active cooling system of measurement-while-drilling instrument based on split-Stirling refrigerator [J]. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2021, 28(6): 101621. (SCI)

[7]W K Gao, K Liu, X R Dou, L Zhang, S Tang*. Numerical investigation on heat transfer rate from the outside environment into the electronic compartment of the measurement-while-drilling tools [J], Heat Transfer. 2021, 50: 5835-5852. (EI)

[8] S Tang*,W K Gao, K Liu. Design and numerical study of active cooling system of measurement while drilling for high temperature based on supersonic[J]. Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2023, 50: 103460. (SCI)

[9] S Tang*, J Wei, D D Song. Research on active cooling technology of measuring instrument while drilling based on insulation tube in high temperature well[J]. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2024, 108: 371-378. (SCI)

[10] K Liu, W K Gao, X W Xi, S Tang*,  L Zhang. Numerical investigation of the circuit compartment of the central water eye active cooling device[J]. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2024, 2389333. (SCI)


[1] -水蒸气-氮气三相流态下超音速制冷机理研究,石油天然气装备教育部重点实验室, 2024.01-2025.12,在研.

[2] 涡流制冷的高温随钻仪器设计,钛合金先进制造技术四川省高等学校工程研究中心, 2024.01-2025.12,在研.

[3] 基于超音速降温的随钻仪器主动降温系统研究西华大学青年学者后备人才培养计划,2022.01-2024.12,在研.

[4] 涡流管冷热分离特性与结构优化研究, 重庆艺多益科技有限公司,2022.12-2023.05,已结题.


[1] 周利平,刘小莹,唐松. 数控装备设计(第二版)[M]. 重庆大学出版社,2023.



