


2023年7月-至今 西华大学 建筑与土木工程学院


2010年9月-2014年7月 西南交通大学 学士;2014年9月-2023年7月 西南交通大学 博士





[1]  Miao Lingcong, Cheng Zhenyu*, Song Jialing, et al. Numerical study on the effects of the mechanical degradation of UHPC layer and stud connectors on the fatigue performance of steel-UHPC composite bridge decks[J]. Engineering Structures, 2025, 322(1): 120069.

[2]  Cheng Zhenyu, Zhang Qinghua*, Bao Yi, et al. Flexural behavior of corrugated steel-UHPC composite bridge decks[J]. Engineering Structures, 2021, 246: 113066.

[3]  Cheng Zhenyu, Zhang Qinghua*, Bao Yi, et al. Analytical models of frictional resistance between cable and saddle equipped with friction plates for multispan suspension bridges[J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2018, 23(1): 04017118.

[4]  Zhang Qinghua, Cheng Zhenyu*, Cui Chuang, et al. Analytical model for frictional resistance between cable and saddle of suspension bridges equipped with vertical friction plates[J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2017, 22(1): 04016103.

[5]  Zhang Qinghua, Per Shiling, Cheng Zhenyu*, et al. Theoretical and experimental studies of the internal force transfer mechanism of perfobond rib shear connector group[J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2017, 22(2): 04016112.

[6]  张清华, 程震宇, 邓鹏昊, . 新型钢-UHPC组合桥面板抗弯承载力模型试验与理论分析方法[J]. 土木工程学报, 2022, 55(3): 47-64.

[7]  程震宇, 张清华, 邓鹏昊, . UHPCMCL形组合销的抗剪性能[J]. 中国公路学报, 2021, 34(8): 205-217.

[8]  张清华, 程震宇, 廖贵星, . 波形顶板-UHPC组合桥面板优化设计[J]. 西南交通大学学报, 2018, 53(4): 670-678.

[9]  张清华, 程震宇, 贾东林, . 悬索桥主缆与鞍座抗滑移安全系数的确定方法[J]. 中国公路学报, 2017, 30(7): 41-49.


[1] Zhang Qinghua, Cheng Zhenyu*, Liu Yiming, et al. Optimal design and fatigue performances of innovative corrugated orthotropic steel deck plate-RPC layer composite deck structure[C]// 39th IABSE Symposium - Engineering the Future, Vancouver, Canada, 2017: 2043-2050.


[1]  Liu Jiawei, Zhang Qinghua*, Cheng Zhenyu, Cui Chuang, Tang Kun. Study on the rational construction methods and mechanical properties of composite beams in transverse negative bending moment zones[J]. Engineering Structures, 2025, 324(1): 119348.

[2]  Deng Penghao, Cui Chuanghuang*, Cheng Zhenyu, Zhang Qinghua, Bu Yizhi. Fatigue damage prognosis of orthotropic steel deck based on data-driven LSTM[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2023, 202: 107777.

[3]  Chen Y G, Zheng K F*, Cheng Zhenyu, Deng P H, Zhang Qinghua. Competing mechanism between vertical stiffness and anti-slip safety for double-cable multi-span suspension bridges[J]. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2024, 20(4): 485-497.

[4]  刘欣益, 张清华*, 程震宇, 贾东林, 卜一之. UHPC构件受拉性能的细观力学解析方法[J]. 中国公路学报, 2021, 34(8): 45-54.

[5]  张清华*, 王玉威, 程震宇, 贾东林. 主缆与鞍座间摩擦抗力评估的混合解析数值法[J]. 中国公路学报, 2020, 33(11): 158-168.

[6]  张清华*, 张莹, 程震宇, 康纪平, 何婧. 双缆悬索桥的静力特性及其关键影响因素[J]. 西南交通大学学报, 2020, 55(2): 238-246.

[7]  崔闯, 张清华*, 程震宇, 卜一之. 基于应变能的纵肋与横肋连接多轴疲劳评估方法[J]. 中国公路学报, 2016, 29(12): 44-50.

[8]  Zhang Qinghua, Cui Chuang*, Da Letian, Cheng Zhenyu, Li Mingzhe. An adaptive fatigue crack growth model at the welded joints of steel bridge[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2024, 223, 109027.

[9]  Bu Yizhi, Li Mingzhe*, Wei Chuan, Cheng Zhenyu, Cui Chuang, Bao Yi. Experimental and analytical studies on flexural behavior of composite bridge decks under negative moment[J]. Engineering Structures, 2023, 274: 115190.

[10]Wei Chuan, Zhang Qinghua*, Zhou Yinlong, Cheng Zhenyu, Li Mingzhe, Cui Chuang. Static and fatigue behaviors of short stud connectors embedded in ultra-high performance concrete[J]. Engineering Structures, 2022, 273: 114888.

[11]Zhang Qinghua*, Guo Haolin, Bao Yi, Cheng Zhenyu, Jia Donglin. Anti-slip safety of double-cable multispan suspension bridges with innovative saddles[J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2020, 25(5): 04020021.

[12]Zhang Qinghua*, Han Shaohui, Bao Yi, Cheng Zhenyu, Jia Donglin, Bu Yizhi. Frictional resistance between main cable and saddle for suspension bridges I: friction characteristic of single strand[J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2020, 25(8): 04020042.

[13]Han Shaohui, Zhang Qinghua*, Bao Yi, Cheng Zhenyu, Jia Donglin, Bu Yizhi. Frictional resistance between main cable and saddle for suspension bridges II: interlayer slip of strands[J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2020, 25(8): 04020043.

[14]Zhang Qinghua, Jia Donglin*, Bao Yi, Cheng Zhenyu, Xiao Lin, Bu Yizhi. Internal force transfer effect-based fatigue damage evaluation for PBL shear connector groups[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2018, 148: 469-478.

[15]Zhang Qinghua, Kang Jiping*, Bao Yi, Cheng Zhenyu, Jia Donglin, Bu Yizhi. Numerical study on cable-saddle frictional resistance of multispan suspension bridges[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2018, 150: 51-59.

[16]Zhang Qinghua, Jia Donglin*, Bao Yi, Cheng Zhenyu, Bu Yizhi, Li Qiao. Analytical study on internal force transfer of perfobond rib shear connector group using a nonlinear spring model[J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2017, 22(10): 04017081.

[17]Wei Chuan, Zhang Qinghua*, Yang Zhengxiang, Li Mingzhe, Cheng Zhenyu, Bao Yi. Flexural cracking behavior of reinforced UHPC overlay in composite bridge deck with orthotropic steel deck under static and fatigue loads[J]. Engineering Structures, 2022, 265: 114537.

[18]Ma Yan, Cui Chuang*, Zhang Qinghua, Tang Kun, Cheng Zhenyu. Fatigue life prediction for Q420qFNH weathering steel welded joints considering the effect of multiple cracks[J]. International Journal of Fatigue, 2025, 190: 108665.

[19]Ma Yan, Cui Chuang*, Zhang Qinghua, Tang Kun, Cheng Zhenyu. Experimental investigation on fatigue performance of three typical welded joints of Q420gFNH weathering steel[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2025, 274: 140806.

[20]Zhang Qinghua, Jia Donglin*, Bao Yi, Dong Sheng, Cheng Zhenyu, Bu Yizhi. Flexural behavior of steel-concrete composite beams considering interlayer slip[J]. Journal of Structural Engineering, 2019, 145(9): 04019084.



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