黄锐,中共党员,副教授,西华大学双师双能型教师,教育部学位中心(本科)学位论文评审专家,斯坦福创新创业指导老师,四川省土木建筑学会会员。西华大学就业指导先进个人,暑期“三下乡”优秀指导教师,西华大学青年教师讲课比赛理工组二等奖,全国斯维尔杯建筑信息模型应用技能大赛优秀指导教师,全国高等院校BIM技能大赛优秀指导教师。曾赴日本国立宇都宫大学访学交流1年。目前以第一作者在国际岩土工程类知名期刊《International Journal of Geomechanics》等SCI期刊以及日本土木学会,ISRM等国际会议上发表科研论文20余篇,主持国家重点实验室科研项目1项,主持多项企事业委托项目,参与多项国家级、省部级科研项目。主编本科十三五规划教材1部。 |
2007年7月至今,西华大学建筑与土木工程学院 |
1、工程造价管理 2、工程项目管理 |
部分科研项目: 1.《椰壳纤维增强水泥基复合材料多尺度微结构和力学性能研究》(2022CEM006),高性能土木工程材料国家重点实验室,2024.06,主持,结题 2. 《旅投明信·凤安里二标段竣工结算编制咨询》(H232391),2024.05,主持,结题 3. 《佛山立粒佳服饰有限公司仓库改造工程设计咨询》,2022.11,主持,结题 4. 《国家天元数学西南中心课程管理系统研发》,2022.05,主持,结题 5. 《国家天元数学西南中心网站维护》,2023.05,主持,结题 部分科研论文: 1. Rui Huang, Takafumi Seiki, Qinxi Dong, SatoshiYamaoka and ÖmerAydan.Parameter identification of rock mass in the time domain, Sci Rep 14, 24214 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-74850-2. (SCI, 中科院2区, JCR 1区) 2. Huang, Rui, Pengpeng Ni, Weitao Yang, Zheng Chen, Qinxi Dong, and Guoxiong Mei. Semianalytical Solution for Consolidation of Reclaimed Land with Horizontal Drains. International Journal of Geomechanics 23, no. 4 (2023): 04023010. https://doi.org/doi:10.1061/IJGNAI.GMENG-7921. (SCI, 中科院3区, JCR 2区, ASCE) 3. Huang, Rui, Jun Hu, Jingbo Pan, Yuwei Wu, Xingyue Ren, Dongling Zeng, Zhixin Wang, and Shucheng Wang. The Π-Formed Diaphragm Wall Construction for Departure and Reception of Shield Machine. Sustainability 14, no. 13 (2022): 7653. (SCI, 中科院3区, JCR 2区) 4. RUI HUANG, MENGFEI HAN, YONGPENG LEI, HUI WANG, QINXI DONG AND FANGYU HAN. A COMPUTATIONAL HOMOGENIZATION MODEL FOR MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF NATURAL FIBER REINFORCED CEMENTITIOUS COMPOSITES WITH FUNCTIONALLY GRADED INTERPHASE , JOURNAL OF MECHANICS OF MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, Vol. 19 (2024), No. 5, pp. 885–905, DOI: 10.2140/jomms.2024.19.885 (SCI, 中科院4区, JCR 2区) 5. Huang, Rui, Yongpeng Lei, Tianhui Hao, QinXi Dong, and Hui Wang. Machine Learning Prediction in Distortion Behavior of Unsymmetric Laminates under Hygrothermal Environment. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials (2023): 08927057231218273. https://doi.org/10.1177/08927057231218273 (SCI, JCR 2区) 6. Huang, Rui, Takafumi Seiki, Qinxi Dong, SatoshiYamaoka, ÖmerAydan. DYNAMIC EVALUATION OF ROCK MASS AND INFLUENCE OF SEED VALUES. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, accepted, in (2025.06) (EI, scope) 7. Huang, Rui, Takafumi Seiki, Qinxi Dong, Hui Wang, and Ömer Aydan. The Effective Material Properties of Rock Mass Inversed from Dynamic Test Data. 15th ISRM Congress 2023 & 72nd Geomechanics Colloquium. (2023). 8. Huang, Rui, Takafumi Seiki, Qinxi Dong, Shizuo Noguchi and Takeshi Ohmura. Consideration to evaluate maintenance process for utilization of non-supported underground quarries 15th ISRM Congress 2023 & 72nd Geomechanics Colloquium. (2023). 9.Rui Huang, Takafumi Seiki and Qinxi Dong. Back Analysis For Material Parameters of Oya Tuff Based on Observed Dynamic Test Data. Proc. of the 50th Symposium on Rock Mechanics, JSCE Rock Mechanics committee, Tokyo. 2024 10. Rui Huang, Takafumi Seiki, Shizuo Noguchi, Takeshi Ohmura, Yuuki Kusunoki, Rei Miyashita. Stability Study of Rock Structures with Limited Geotechnical Information. Proceedings of the Ninth Taiwan - Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls Integrating Urban Geo-informatics, in Taiwan, 2024 11. Rui HUANG, Takafumi SEIKI. Consideration of influential factors for rock material parameters identification by in-situ dynamic measurement. Proceedings of the 16th Japan Symposium on Rock Mechanics Japanese Society for Rock Mechanics, Jan. 14-16, 2025. 12. Yutaro HOSOKAWA, Rei MIYASHITA, Rui HUANG and Takafumi SEIKI. STUDY ON STRUCTURAL STABILITY OF UNDERGROUND CAVERNS CONSIDERING MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ROCKS AND ON-SITE DEFORMATION INFORMATION. The Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 23-25, Jul, 2024, in Japanese 13. Eishin MIZUTA, Rui HUANG and Takafumi SEIKI, STUDY ON MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION METHOD OF OYA UNDERGROUND QUARRIES WITH CONSIDERING GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE. Proceedings of the Symposium on Underground Space Vol.29, JSCE, in Japanese 14. Taiga HORIUCHI, Takumi YASHIKI, Jun IIMURA, Rui HUANG and TakafumiSEIKI. CONSIDERATION TO COLOUR TONE CHANGE WITH COMPARISON OF OYA TUFF WITH SIMILAR ROCKS AND WITH ANTI-WEATHERING EFFECTS. Proc. of the 50th Symposium on Rock Mechanics, JSCE Rock Mechanics committee, Tokyo. 2024, in Japanese 15. Eito MIURA, Rui HUANG and Takafumi SEIKI. CONSIDRATION ON DIFFERENCES IN WEATHERING PROGRESSION BASED ON THE COMPOSITION OF THE OYA TUFF GROUP. Proceedings of the 16th Japan Symposium on Rock Mechanics Japanese Society for Rock Mechanics, Jan. 14-16, 2025, in Japanese 16. Yutaro HOSOKAWA, Rui HUANG and Takafumi SEIKI. CONSIDERATION ON THE AVAILABILITY OF THE OYA UNDERGROUND QUARRY AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INSPECTION METHOD. Proceedings of the Symposium on Underground Space Vol.30, JSCE, Tokyo. 2025, in Japanese |
1、主讲本科《建筑工程计量计价》 2、指导本科专业的课程设计、毕业实习和毕业设计。 |