秦铭远,男,博士。主要从事催化燃烧红外辐射技术在供热和烘干等领域的表征和光热效应、室内外人员非均匀辐射热舒适等方面研究。 |
2024年10月至今 西华大学建筑与土木工程学院建筑环境与能源应用工程系 |
2021.10-2024.06就读于马来亚大学(University of Malaya),攻读工程学与工程行业:能源专业,获一等学位(Thesis with Distinction) |
1、催化燃烧红外辐射技术 2、开阔冷环境下热舒适 3、个人舒适系统 |
代表论文: [1] Qin M Y, Chew B T, Yau Y H, et al. A novel evaluation indicator and optimal heating strategy for using an intermittent-operation catalytic combustion heater in open cold environments [J]. Building and Environment, 2024, 252: 111271. [2] Qin M Y, Chew B T, Yau Y H, et al. Thermal comfort characteristics of a catalytic combustion heater under wind-chilled exposure [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 436: 140701. [3] Qin M Y, Chew B T, Yau Y H, et al. Characteristic analysis and improvement methods of the indoor thermal environment in post-disaster temporary residential buildings: A systematic review [J]. Building and Environment, 2023, 235: 110198. [4] Qin M Y, Chew B T, Yau Y H, et al. Emergency heater based on gas-fired catalytic combustion infrared technology: Structure, evaluation and thermal response [J]. Energy, 2023, 274: 127426. 授权专利: 1、一种基于红外发光技术的烘干设备[P].江苏省:CN111578672A,2020-08-25. 2、一种风量可控的补风装置[P].江苏省:CN216481415U,2022-05-10. 3、水性合成革的烘干装置及生产线[P].江苏省:CN217190681U,2022-08-16. 4、一种金属粉末烘干设备[P].江苏省:CN211424972U,2020-09-04. 公布与实施标准: 1、参编中国团体标准《热致调光中空玻璃应用技术规程》T/CABEE 087-2024 2、参编中国团体标准《燃气催化燃烧红外辐射应急供热技术规范》T/CIECCPA 004-2022 |
马来亚大学(Universiti Malaya)机械工程系博士生校外导师 |