


2024-至今 西华大学


2019-2023 西南交通大学土木工程学院 博士 2016-2019 兰州交通大学土木工程学院 硕士 2012-2016 西南交通大学土木工程学院 学士





[1].   Rui Su, Yue Lv, Qian Su, YanFei Pei. Development of composite-phase change microcapsule coating and numerical investigation on its effect in ballastless track slabs. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 375,130974. (中科院1TOP, JCR Q1, IF=7.291)

[2].   Rui Su, Qian Su, Peng Cheng, Heng Zhou, Xun Wang, Yanfei Pei. Experimental investigation of the bearing performance and failure characteristics of double-row pile-slab structures in steep mountainous areas. Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, 2023,2(18):152-189. (JCR Q3, IF=0.63)

[3].   Rui Su, Qian Su, Minqi Dong, Chenfang He, Yuchao Zheng, Xun Wang, Yanfei Pei, Centrifugal model test study on deformation characteristics of deep, thick fillings in giant karst cave tunnels under different construction processes. Transportation Geotechnics, 2023, 42,101068. (JCR Q1, IF=4.827)

[4].   Rui Su, Yue Lv, Qian Su, YanFei Pei. Experimental investigation of the thermal insulation performance of Ce/Si/Ti oxide heat-reflective coating. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A. (JCR Q1, IF=3.3)

[5].   Yuchao Zheng, Jianxiong Yan, Rui Su, Shuqi Ma, Yu Li, Xun Wang, Jieyuan Zheng, Yong Zhu, Yu Yu, Investigation of the settlement mechanism and control measures of a super-large section tunnel in a giant karst cave using ultra-thick backfill method. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2023, 137, 104956. (中科院1TOP, JCR Q1, IF=6.7)

[6].   Pei Yanfei, Su Qian, Su Rui, Liu Kaiwen, Connolly David P., Dynamic analysis of unsaturated porous media under moving loads by the time domain FEM using moving coordinates. Computers and Geotechnics, 2024, 171, 106338. (中科院1TOP, JCR Q1, IF=5.3)

[7].   苏芮,苏谦,贺琛方,董敏琪,王迅,郑余朝. 巨型溶洞区深厚填筑体长期变形特性试验研究. 西南交通大学学报.

[8].   贺琛方,苏谦,苏芮.钢管混凝土桩加固巨型溶洞回填体离心模型试验研究[J].铁道建筑,2022,62(12):143-148.

[9].   裴彦飞,苏芮,苏谦.基于BIM的中低速磁浮土建构件管理平台开发[J].铁道标准设计,2022,66(01):37-40+48.

[10].   Yanfei Pei, Qian Su, Kaiwen Liu, David P. Connolly, Bao Liu, Rui Su, Zongyu Zhang, Tengfei Wang, Modelling the dynamics of ballastless railway tracks on unsaturated subgrade. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2025, 138, 115801. (中科院1TOP, JCR Q1, IF=5.7)


[1].   苏芮. 一种用于混凝土涂层隔热效果测试的试验装置[P]. 四川省:CN217954317U,2022-12-02.

[2].   苏芮. 一种能够有效测试混凝土涂层隔热效果的试件[P]. 四川省:CN217605722U,2022-10-18.


