余静财,工学博士,讲师,博士毕业于东南大学,现就职于西华大学汽车与交通学院交通科学与工程系,研究方向为出行行为建模与分析、道路交通安全等。于2022年10月至2023年10月在日本广岛大学进行国家公派联合培养。攻读博士期间,发表论文24篇。已发表期刊论文15篇,其中以第一作者身份发表SCI论文6篇,以第一作者身份发表EI论文1篇,以通讯作者身份发表SCI论文1篇,以其他作者身份发表SCI论文7篇。发表学科权威会议(TRB)论文9篇,其中以第一作者身份发表学科权威会议论文3篇,以其他作者身份发表会议论文6篇。 |
2024.10-至今,西华大学汽车与交通学院 |
2019.9-2024.8:东南大学,交通运输工程,工学博士;2016.9-2019.6:长安大学,交通运输工程,工学硕士。 |
主要从事出行行为建模、道路交通安全等领域。 |
(1) Yu J., Li W., Yin Z., Zheng Y., Guo R. (2024). Segmenting and exemplifying potential Flex route transit adopters. Transportation Research Record, 03611981241230509. (SCI) (2)Yu J., Lin Q., Ding H., Li W., Feng T. (2024). Examining individuals’ adoption of flex route transit. Transportation Planning And Technology. (SCI) (3)Yu, J., Li, W., Song, Z., Wang, S., Ma, J., & Wang, B. (2023). The role of attitudinal features on shared autonomous vehicles. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 50, 101032. (SCI) (4)Yu, J., Wang, S., Ma, J., Song, Z., & Li, W. (2023). Roles of attitudinal factors on the adoption stages of carsharing. Transportation Letters, 16(6), 542-553. (SCI) (5)Yu, J., Zheng, Y., Li, W., Zhang, J., Guo, R., & Wu, L. (2023). Understanding Flex-Route Transit Adoption from a Stage of Change Perspective. Transportation Research Record, 2677(6), 743-758. (SCI) (6)Yu, J., Li, W., Zhang, J., Guo, R., & Zheng, Y. (2023). Understanding the effect of sociodemographic and psychological latent characteristics on flex-route transit acceptance. Plos one, 18(2), e0279058 (SCI). (7)Wang, S., Yu, J.*, & Ma, J. (2023). Identifying the heterogeneous effects of road characteristics on Motorcycle-Involved crash severities. Travel Behaviour and Society, 33, 100636. (SCI, 通讯作者) (8)余静财,李文权,王顺超,马景峰.共享电动汽车选择行为分析.东南大学学报(自然科学版),2021,51(01):153-160. (EI) (9)Yu J., Feng T., Wang S., Ma J. Li W. (2024). Identifying the Heterogeneous Effects of Road Characteristics on Taxi-involved Crash Severity. Presented at TRB 103th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2024. (TRB) (10)Yu J., Wang S., Ma J., Wang B., Li W. (2023). Understand the Adoption of Shared Autonomous Vehicles to Accelerate Diffusion. Presented at TRB 102th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2023. (TRB) (11)Song Z., Yu J.*. (2023). Short-term traffic flow interval prediction using a three-stage grey forecasting interval model. Presented at TRB 102th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2023. (TRB, 通讯作者) (12) Yu J., Wang S., Cao Q., Ma J. (2021). Exploring the Effects of Attitudes and Personality Traits on Traveler’s Cognitive Behaviors of Electric Vehicles Timeshare Rentals-A Case Study of Beijing. Presented at TRB 100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2021. (TRB) |