在黑龙江省重点大学黑龙江中医药大学本科毕业后,于美国密西西比州立大学(美国R1一级科研大学)攻读硕士,以优异成绩毕业后申请到了美国农业部全额奖学金,继续攻读博士学位,师从美国肉品科技协会(AMSA)会议主席Dr. Mark Wes Schilling。攻读博士期间,以第一参加人身份完成了肉品加工技术研究的相关课题,为美国肉品加工企业解决了在生产干腌猪肉过程中产生昆虫危害的技术难题。学业期间,本人所在实验室有非常好的与肉品加工业界合作的经验与关系,在导师的带领下充分体会到将肉品研发科技应用在肉类产品品质、安全、营养等领域,并产生显著经济效益的可行性和重要性。 |
讲师 2022-09至今 中国 西华大学助理研究员 2022-01至2022-08 美国 Mississippi State University助理研究员 2015-12至2016-07 美国 Mississippi State University实习研究员 2012-08至2013-07 中国 农业部农产品质量检验中心 |
博士学位: 2016-08至2021-12 美国Mississippi State University 食品科学工程(肉品加工、贮藏及感官评定)硕士学位:2013-08至2015-12 美国Mississippi State University 食品科学工程(乳制品方向)学士学位:2008-08至2012-06 中国黑龙江中医药大学 食品科学与工程 |
本人的研究方向为食品加工科技及感官评定,具体专注于肉品加工贮藏及感官评定。博士期间的主要研究课题是针对多种昆虫尤其是腐食酪螨在干腌猪肉上寄生并啃食干腌肉品,同时产生有毒物质,对干腌猪肉造成严重的品质影响并最终导致产品无法销售的问题,使用聚电解质复合物和烟熏液在美式乡村干腌猪肉上进行控制昆虫虫害的研究,并且对于两种物质是否对干腌猪肉的感官品质产生影响进行了深入探究。 |
所发表的论文及专利: Shao, W., Campbell, Y. L., Phillips, T. W., Freeman, C., Zhang, X., Hendrix, J. D., To, K. V., Dinh, T., Rogers, W. D., & Schilling, M. W. (2023). Using liquid smoke to control infestations of the ham mite, Tyrophagus putrescentiae, on dry-cured hams during aging. Meat Science, 200, 109139. Shao, W. (2022). The Application of Food-Grade Chitosan and a Food-Grade Compound in Coatings to Control Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank, Family: Acaridae) Growth on Dry-Cured Hams and Their Impact on Dry-Cured Ham Quality Mississippi State University Dissertation. Shao, W., Campbell, Y. L., Phillips, T. W., Freeman, C., Kundu, S., Crist, C. A., Williams, J. B., & Schilling, M. W. (2021). The application of chitosan in food-grade coatings to control Tyrophagus putrescentiae on dry-cured hams and the effects on sensory properties. Journal of Stored Products Research, 94, 101899. Schilling, M., Shao, W., Campbell, Y., & Phillips, T. (2023). Use of liquid smoke in conjunction with food grade coatings to control pest infestations. In: US Patent App. 18/314,061. Campbell, Y., Shao, W., Dinh, T., To, K., Rogers, W., Zhang, X., Phillips, T., & Schilling, W. (2020). Use of nets treated with food grade coatings on controlling mold growth and mite infestation in dry-cured ham aging facilities. Journal of Stored Products Research, 89, 101716. Al-Amin, M., Shao, W., Varadarajan, A., Freeman, C., Campbell, Y. L., Schilling, W. M., Kundu, S., & Black, C. (2020). Comparison of the mechanical properties between treated and untreated ham nets. Textile Research Journal, 90(11-12), 1237-1244. Allred, S., Shao, W., Jones, J. H., Schilling, M. W., Baker, B. H., & Allen, P. J. (2020). Effects of acute environmental and handling exposure on physiology and fillet quality of market‐sized Channel Catfish. Aquaculture Research, 51(5), 1854-1866. Allred, S., Shao, W., Schilling, M., Petrie-Hanson, L., & Allen, P. (2019). An assessment of red fillet prevalence in the catfish industry. Aquaculture, 507, 203-210. Cai, K., Shao, W., Chen, X., Campbell, Y., Nair, M., Suman, S., Beach, C., Guyton, M., & Schilling, M. (2018). Meat quality traits and proteome profile of woody broiler breast (pectoralis major) meat. Poultry science, 97(1), 337-346. To, K., Zhang, X., Shao, W., Hendrix, J., Byron, M., Campbell, Y., Phillips, T., Dinh, T., & Schilling, M. (2020). The effects of dry-cured ham initial water activity on Tyrophagus putrescentiae infestations. Journal of Stored Products Research, 87, 101609. Cai, K., Desai, M., Shao, W., Chen, X., Campbell, Y., Nair, M., Suman, S., & Schilling, M. (2018). Quality characteristics of normal and woody breast meat. Meat and Muscle Biology, 1(2). Campbell, Y. L., Zhang, X., Shao, W., Williams, J. B., Kim, T., Goddard, J., Abbar, S., Phillips, T. W., & Schilling, M. W. (2018). Use of nets treated with food-grade coatings on dry-cured ham to control Tyrophagus putrescentiae infestations without impacting sensory properties. Journal of Stored Products Research, 76, 30-36. Rogers, W., Campbell, Y. L., Zhang, X., Shao, W., White, S., Phillips, T. W., & Schilling, M. W. (2020). The application of food grade short chain fatty acids to prevent infestation of Tyrophagus putrescentiae on dry cured ham and the effects on sensory properties. Journal of Stored Products Research, 88, 101684. Al-Amin, M., Freeman, C., Schilling, W., Black, C., Campbell, Y. L., Shao, W., Kundu, S., & Varadajan, A. (2021). The application of food-grade chemical treatment and its effect on the mechanical performance characteristics of ham nets. Eng, 2(4), 468-479. Krishnan, K., Campbell, Y. L., To, K. V., Lima, G., Byron, M. D., Zhang, X., Hendrix, J. D., Shao, W., Cord, C. L., & Crist, C. A. (2019). Effects of temperature, relative humidity, and protective netting on Tyrophagus putrescentiae (schrank)(sarcoptiformes: Acaridae) infestation, fungal growth, and product quality of cave-aged Cheddar cheese. Journal of Stored Products Research, 83, 44-53. Krishnan, K., Virell To, G. L., Byron, M., Zhang, X., Hendrix, J., Campbell, Y., Shao, W., Cord, C., Crist, C., & Phillips, T. Relative humidity and temperature effects on mite infestations on cheddar cheese. Methyl Bromide Alternative Conference Paper Zhao, J., Liao, S., Han, J., Xie, Y., Tang, J., Zhao, J., Shao, W., Wang, Q., & Lin, H. (2023). Revealing the secret of umami taste of peptides derived from fermented broad bean paste. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 71(11), 4706-4716.