

2022年毕业于西南交通大学,获得载运工具运用工程专业博士学位,随后加入西华大学机械工程学院。主要研究方向: 围绕列车动力学与控制、轴承动力学等内容开展了相关研究,在动力学建模、非线性振动分析、动力学行为评估等方面有一定的研究积累和工作经验。共发表一作/通讯论文7篇,其中SCI检索4篇,授权发明专利2项,均为第一发明人。




2016.09-2022.12 西南交通大学 载运工具运用工程 博士2014.09-2016.06 西南交通大学 车辆工程 硕士2009.09-2013.07 合肥工业大学 车辆工程 本科




已在《IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology》、《IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement》、《Vehicle System Dynamics》等车辆系统动力学领域权威期刊发表SCI/EI等论文10篇,授权国家发明专利2项及实用新型专利1项。



[1] Zhonghui Yin, Zhiwei Wang*, Lei Ma, et al. Dynamic modelling and vibration analysis of gearbox bearings for a high-speed train with polygonal wheel. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2024, 73: 7506912. (SCI, JCR Q1 IF=5.6).

[2] Zhonghui Yin, Zhiwei Wang*, Weihua Zhang. Vibration characteristics of high-speed train axle box bearing with raceway defects considering track irregularity. The 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies for Rail Transportation. Beijing, EITRT 2023. Beijing, China: Springer (2023轨道交通电气与信息技术国际会议, EI).

[3] Zhonghui Yin, Jiye Zhang*, Hao Sui. Stochastic responses characteristics of a virtual track train excited by road irregularities. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2022, 71(8): 8152-8163. (SCI, JCR Q1 IF=6.8).

[4] Zhonghui Yin, Jiye Zhang*, Haiying Lu. Establishment and comparison of a spatial dynamics model for virtual track train with different steering modes. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-Body Dynamics. 2021, 235(3): 481-498. (SCI, JCR Q3 IF=1.992).

[5] Zhonghui Yin, Jiye Zhang*, Haiying Lu, et al. Dynamics modeling and analysis of a four-wheel independent motor-drive virtual-track train. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-Body Dynamics. 2021, 235(1): 134-149. (SCI, JCR Q3 IF=1.992). 

[6] Zhonghui Yin, Jiye Zhang*. Dynamic responses of gear transmission system of high-speed train due to wheel polygonal wear. Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicle on Roads and Tracks. Gothenburg, IAVSD 2019. Gothenburg, Sweden: Springer Cham (2019车辆系统动力学国际会议, EI).

[7] Zhonghui Yin, Zhiwei Wang*. Dynamic responses of transmission system bearings for a high-speed train with polygonal wheel. Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicle on Roads and Tracks. Ottawa, IAVSD 2023. Ottawa, Canada: Springer (2023车辆系统动力学国际会议, EI).

[8] 殷中慧, 张继业*, 张传英, . 高速列车流线型长度对气动性能的影响//第十五届全国非线性振动暨第十二届全国非线性动力学和运动稳定性学术会议摘要集, 长沙: 中国力学学会, 2015(会议论文).

[9] 殷中慧, 张继业*, 郑伟范, . 基于加权相互作用势的两车道交通流行为研究//第十届全国动力学与控制学术会议摘要集, 成都: 中国力学学会, 2016(会议论文).

[10] Zhiwei Wang, Zhonghui Yin, Ruicheng Wang, et al. Coupled Dynamic Behaviour of a Transmission System with Gear Eccentricities for a High-Speed Train. Vehicle System Dynamics, 2021, 59(4): 613-634. (SCI, JCR Q2 IF=3.749).

[11] Zhiwei Wang, Yang Song, Zhonghui Yin, et al. Random Response Analysis of Axle-Box Bearing of a High-Speed Train Excited by Crosswinds and Track Irregularities[J]. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2019, 68(11): 10607-10617. (SCI, JCR Q1 IF=6.8). 


[1] 殷中慧, 张继业, 李东昌, 高珊, 隋皓, 陆海英. 一种虚拟轨道列车空间动力学模型的建模方法. 发明专利: ZL202110115425.2 (已授权)

[2] 殷中慧, 张继业, 陆海英, 李东昌, 隋皓, 张成铭. 一种虚拟轨道列车悬架参数的优化方法. 发明专利: ZL202110115978.2 (已授权)

[3] 陆海英, 隋皓, 殷中慧, 张继业. 一种虚拟轨道列车走行系统. 实用新型专利ZL202020221503.2 (已授权)



